About our Hi-Oak White Chickens
Breed Origin: USA
Uses: Egg Layer Domestic & Commercial
Hen Weight: 1.5 - 1.7Kg.
Hen Colour: White
Egg Colour: White.
Av egg weight: 62.5g
Egg Quantity: 300 per Annum
They are highly inquisitive, friendly and active birds.
About our birds:
The Hi-Oak White is a hybrid hen bought in as day-old chicks from the Hendrix Genetics. We raise these birds in exactly the same environment as our rare breeds to Organic standards. They begin to lay at around 19-20 weeks old and have a superb shell quality. These hens are adaptable to all types of housing systems, they are very docile and equally happy free ranging or in a small coop.
Interesting to know:
It is one of the world’s best white egg layers. The hybrid is derived from the White Leghorn which is believed to have originated from Tuscany in Italy and was taken to America in 1828. It was then introduced from America to Britain in 1870.