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My Hen Laid A Weird Egg..

If you’ve had hens before, you’ll know that occasionally your ladies can lay some weird looking eggs! This blog is to help you understand why your hens are producing abnormal eggs.

Double Yolkers.

These are such an amazing find! There’s nothing better than cracking open your egg to find 2 yolks. This can happen when an existing yolk combines with another and the shell forms around both. It’s a hens version of twins. Young pullets and older hens tend to lay these are their egg cycles are just beginning or coming to the end.

Double Yolker.png

Super Tiny Eggs.

Also known as wind, fairy or fart eggs, tiny eggs can be a sign that your hen has just started to lay or that something might be wrong with their production system if they keep laying them. If they are constant, ensure you speak to your vet.

You should always consider the age of the hen if you experience any of the below:

Thin Shelled Eggs

This is usually a sign that your hen needs a bit more calcium in their diet. You can add this in by providing them with Oyster Shell. The hen will then ingest as much as she needs.

Bumpy Eggs

These are abnormal for both young and older hens. This can be caused by excess Vitamin D or Vitamin C in the hens diet.

Very Large Eggs

These tend to be laid by hens coming to the end of their laying cycle.

Stress, Diet or Disease can cause the below abnormalities:

Shell-less or Thin Shelled-Eggs

These are normally due to stress, which causes the eggs to be laid before it’s been completely formed.

Wrinkled Eggs

These are funky looking and can be induced by rough handling of your hens, causing a second yolk to be prematurely released and bumping up against the egg, causing the wrinkles. Another factor that can cause wrinkling is a respiratory infection in the hens.

Eggs with Healed Cracks

These start with a break in the shell during formation but mend during the laying process. The hen experiencing stress during the calcification is the main culprit for this type of egg.

Egg In An Egg

This happens when an egg gets backed up and not laid in a timely manner. The egg actually goes through the last production stages twice. Extreme stress to your poor hen is probably the reason. She may need a spa day complete with a dust bath and mealworms to nibble on.

If you find that you’re experiencing any of the above and have tried to fix the issue but had no luck, make sure to contact your vet to make sure your lovely lady is ok!